What courses should I take and when?
The courses you must complete are:
Fall Year 1: Graduate Group Core Courses (8 units)
RCR Course: QSB/ MBSE 294
Spring Year 1: Frontiers of Mol. Cell. Biotechnology
(QSB 234/PHYS 234/BIOE 234)
Fall Year 2: Imaging and Spect. OR Tissue Eng.
(BIOE 215/PHYS 231) OR Tissue Eng. (MBSE/QSB 214)
Spring Year 2: Comput. and Modeling
(PHYS 230/BIOE 230)
What workshops should I be completing in the Summer?
Online RCR training: The Online RCR course you should complete this summer is linked below. The name of the course is Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) (Basic). The instructions are linked as well. Please make sure to follow them step by step to ensure the training fee is covered by UC Merced.
Explore Our Courses | CITI Program
CITI Instructions (citiprogram.org)
Another workshop to sign up for is one of the CCBM training module: There are three usually offered every summer.
1. Imaging/Spectroscopy
2. Computation/Modeling
3. Flow Cytometry/Confocal.
Please contact Carrie Kouadio (ckouadio@ucmerced.edu) for details about dates and signing up.
How do I receive a reimbursements for travel and confrences?
Fellows of G-RISE I-BioSTeP are provided with up to $1,000 of travel funds to be used to pursue their interests within the scope of the program.
- Once given approval by Dr. Ajay Gopinathan you are responsible for purchasing all essential travel items. After returning from your trip, please fill out the reimbursement form with trip details and attach relevant purchase documentation within 45 days.
- Notify Kmaravilla3@ucmerced.edu via email once this is completed, and she will manage the reimbursement process on your behalf.
Reimbursement Form: https://forms.gle/x5nyoveUZcbJbWzo6
Please note all expenses may not be reimbursable. This is due to the travel, entertainment and general reimbursement policies. Your reimbursement request will move through various approval and audit stages. Once all requirements are satisfied, your reimbursement will be submitted for final review and payment. Please allow 4-6 weeks for processing.